Saturday, March 8, 2014

b-Ring on Spring!

Anyone who knows me, knows I'm rarely ever without an assortment of rings adorning my freakishly small, yet still somehow long baby hands. For me to see my hands without my claddagh, or my delicate silver bands is like seeing your parents naked, it's just not okay, and makes you feel all kinds of weird inside. I eat, sleep, even shower in my rings (which I know is not good for them, and is probably why there's such a think patina build-up but hey, I'm only human.) Every respecting fashion student has something that defines them in a way, maybe it's lipstick, or having ridiculously cool nails all the time, or always having the latest en pointe shoes... But that thing for me, is my rings!

For everyday wear I tend to stick to silver, I find it compliments most outfits and is easy to wear, and doesn't turn your fingers that nasty green colour!

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One of my favourite silver rings is my belt thumb ring, which I thought I lost but was reunited with when I found it in my jacket pocket... Miracles do happen! 

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Once the summer months hit I like to add some colour to my wardrobe (only on my fingers of course, I virtually live in black 365 days a year.) Fingers crossed (pun 10000% intended) I'll get to start wearing them again soon! 

ISO 400, f.6.3, 1/20

ISO 800, f.6.3, 1/20
ISO 400, f.6.3, 1/20 
All of the rings shown were purchased from a small independently owned boutique in my hometown of Kingston called Modern Primitive (if you're ever in town, check it out for sure, it's like Narnia in there, so much to look at!) They specialize in imported jewellery and knick knacks from all around the world, including Thailand, India and parts of Africa! The only exception is the blue peacock ring, which I found hidden in the back room way back when I worked as a sales associate at Claire's Accessories, such a steal! 

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