Tuesday, April 8, 2014

My Florida

 ISO 200, f-stop 3.5, Shutter Speed 1/160

  ISO 200, f-stop 3.5, Shutter Speed 1/160

                                                  ISO 100, f-stop 5, Shutter Speed 1/80

During my impropmtu trip to Florida for a weekend I decided to take some photos of some accessories from my closet at home. These weren't items I would regularly bring on my trip to the beach but I find there is always something interesting when fashion items are showcased in contrast with nature settings. My goal with these photos were to have the accessories blend in to the settings based on shape and color, but stand out in terms of material. I'm not a huge fan of "nature" shoots but this is my way of taking on a challenge, while staying true to my style.

By: Sarah Hyland

1 comment:

  1. This last shot is totally awesome with the jelly shoes (?) in the window (?). Nice work!
